
Puteri Indonesia 2017 Final Prediction

"semua karyamu...
kau persembahkan untuk bangsamu..
citra dirimu..
harum namamu..
memang kaulah Puteri Indonesia.."

The words above are the lyrics of Puteri Indonesia official anthem. As scheduled, tomorrow, 31 March 2017 Indonesia will have the new Puteri Indonesia. The respective winner will be sent to the Miss Universe Pageant, while the runner-ups will be sent to Miss International, Miss Supranational, and Miss Grand International.

This year is one of the most amazing year for Puteri Indonesia. As I told you in the previous post, all the 2016 queens were on their glorious moments. Each of them finished a satisfying job at their respective pageant.

What's so special about this pageant, again? there will be THREE international winners attending the pageant. Miss Universe 2016, Iris Mittenaere, will be in Indonesia on Friday morning, while former Miss Universe Natalie Glebova and the Reigning Miss Grand International Ariska Pertiwi has arrived early this evening (30/3).

Natalie Glebova was initially invited to Puteri Indonesia 2005 but cancelled her journey due to the 'travel warning' from USA and Canada (regarding the Bali Bombing), so Cynthia Olavarria, her first runner-up took her place and came to Indonesia.

As promised, this is my final prediction for Puteri Indonesia pageant.


(Miss Universe Indonesia)

DKI Jakarta 5 - Bunga Jelitha Ibrani

This beauty is definitely the one! her charisma, her presence, and her fanbase is a good starter pack to compete in an international level. Moreover, she has some international experience which is a plus point for her. She was the former Supermodel International 2011 and in 2015 went to the U.S. for a photoshoot with GUESS? after winning the title of GUESS? Girl Southeast Asia

(Miss International Indonesia)

Nusa Tenggara Timur - Karina Nadila

She has always been in the watch-this-girl list even since before she joined the audition. She is the only girl (so far) who has the fiery spirit of competing internationally. She always shows her high enthusiasm in every occasion, definitely a mental that we want to see in every winner.

(Miss Supranational Indonesia)

Sumatera Utara - Putri Mentari Sitanggang

This girl is definitely a silent killer. Day after day during the competition, she began to rise and she looked definitely promising in an international pageant! love her!

(Miss Grand International Indonesia)

Jawa Barat - Kevin Liliana

Jawa Barat sends an angelic queen this year. For me, this sweetheart is either a Miss International material or Miss Grand International material. She is definitely sweet, humble, and caring person. definitely a girl everyone wanna hang out with!


Sumatera Barat - Puji Chegana

This girl is also on the 'top list', as I told you before, this fashion design student has everything it takes to be a winner!


Kalimantan Timur - Miracline Samantha

this year's format will be a 'Top 10 + online vote winner' then a 'top 5 + online vote winner'. This girl is also a girl to be watched out. I missed her on my list previously but I can definitely see her on top! she is simply gorgeus, and silently climbing to the top!


DKI Jakarta 3 - Nadya Maudy

This girl, is actually gorgeus. But sorry to be honest, she hasn't the 'it' factor to help her go further. she might penetrates the top 11, but NO for an international pageant. Still, she is a beautiful girl!

Jawa Tengah - Dea Rizkita

Another darkhorse in the making! Before the pageant, I thought she wasn't the one to win. But as the time ticking in the competition, she showed her true potential. and I definitely want to see her on the semifinal list!

Jawa Timur - Fatma Ayu

This fresh-graduate lawyer could possibly gain the third crown for her province. but she still has lots of shoes to fill.

Sulawesi Barat - Evelyn Yuliesia

Another pageant alumni! She recently competed at Miss Model of The World, which makes audience couldn't just ignore her presence. She might earn the crown tomorrow, but she still needs to work on her body.

Sulawesi Utara - Luana Kenap

I know this year is a pressure for her as the reigning queen is from her province, but her beauty is just something we don't want to miss! I just think she might get the semifinal spot, but (in my opinion) sorry to say, no for the crown


Kalimantan Utara - Fatya Ginanjarsari

Papua Barat - Leidy Rumbiak

Kalimantan Barat - Pinkan Yunita

DKI Jakarta 6 - Maulvi Zehra

Well, No matter who wins tomorrow, Indonesia should definitely be proud. all the girls are truly amazing! Good luck, girls! Indonesia believes in you :)



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Puteri Indonesia 2017 Pre-final Prediction

"The remarkable success of Indonesian pageant fighters batch of 2016 resulted to an even bigger pressure to the next batch competing in an international pageant."

Last year, Indonesia achieved its first grand slam crown through an epic performance by Ariska Putri Pertiwi in Miss Grand International 2016. this North Sumatran beauty became the first EVER Indonesian woman to finally win a major title. the very next day, Felicia Hwang broke the record of Indonesian placement at the Miss International beauty pageant by placing third. the next month, Intan Aletrino of West Sumatera placed seventh amongst all the competitor in the 2016 Miss Supranational pageant in Poland. To even out the euphoria, Kezia Warouw placed in the top 13 of the Miss Universe 2016 last January.

2017 will definitely be a year of joy yet full of pressure because all their successors are forced to stay (and even move further) in the position their predecessors have reached the previous year. I'm telling you guys, this is a real deal. their predecessors set a quite high standard for the successors to reach this year.

The 2017 Puteri Indonesia pageant is just around the corner and in a few days, we are about to witness the moment when pageant fighters class of 2017 is being crowned.

Here, I'm trying to figure out who will be crowned. I've seen all the contestants at all their best, so basically everyone is the winner but there will only one winner.

Starting from

Puteri Indonesia
(Miss Universe Indonesia)

Nusa Tenggara Timur - Karina Nadila

Damn! this beauty ain't need no drama. Despite of her height, she's such a complete package. she is an actress, no need to doubt about her confidence and public speaking. She is also a goofball, the girl-next-door, and people will definitely love her at the first sight, and that's all a Miss Universe winner should have.

Puteri Indonesia Lingkungan
(Miss International Indonesia)

Jawa Barat - Kevin Liliana

At first, I thought we have a boy in the competition (Kevin is a boy's name, LOL) but then I saw at her picture and DANG!! sweet girl is what I see. Her only flaw, I thought, is the incapability of looking fierce (sorry, my honest opinion). Whenever she had her face having a full glam look, she looked waaaayyyy older than her real age, which is something we don't want to see. I accidentally bumped with her once in a shopping mall, and she looked WAY more beautiful with less make up.

Puteri Indonesia Pariwisata
(Miss Supranational Indonesia)

Sumatera Utara - Putri Mentari Sitanggang

This sweetheart might be a real darkhorse in the competition. at first, I don't even figure her at my top list, but during the competition I see something interesting on her. She is an authentic beauty, she is also an attention-catcher. I just love her presence!

Miss Grand International Indonesia

Sumatera Barat - Puji Chegana

I'm not really sure that the one sent to Miss Grand International will be from the third runner-up, but wherever the delegate comes from, I definitely want Puji as the representative. She's mentally strong, she is fierce, and her figure is undeniably a bomb!

Fourth Runner-Up

DKI Jakarta 5 - Bunga Jelitha Ibrani

She IS my personal favourite this year. Everyone has been a fan for her and it seems like she has a very strong chance to win this year. One thing I concern so much about her is her public speaking ability. the new Miss Universe Organisation seems to love someone who is capable to inspire people, they seem to look for a spokesperson to spread the mission of their new Miss Universe brand instead of someone who is too 'expensive to do things'.


Jawa Tengah - Dea Rizkita

She wasn't a favourite until I recently saw her in a video. The video clearly showed her vibrant personality and I guess that's enough to bring her on top. She also seemed promising during the fashion show session which of course being a plus point.

Sulawesi Utara - Luana Kenap

At the moment I saw Luana, I pictured the figure of Elvira Devinamira. She looked very 'Elvira'. Her elegance, her presence, her outfits reminded me of Elvira Devinamira so much that I guess she will bring the same luck as Elvira did in 2014. I know this is a double pressure to know the reigning queen is from Sulawesi Utara. what a double pressure! but I guess she'll handle it well.

Jawa Timur - Fatma Ayu

Her crowning moment last December was a little drama. How come a non-favourite contestant beat a huge favourite contestant during the final? (FYI, Ayu Maulida became the media darling during Puteri Indonesia Jawa Timur, but ended up near-winning). Now I know WHY. Fatma has the spirit of Puteri Indonesia, she is just undeniable. Whenever she took a group photo, people won't be difficult to recognize her. her performance during the fashion show was also jawdropping, which easily elevates her position to become the new favourite.

Sulawesi Selatan - Nurfitriani

This young girl is really cute. She brings a 'sexy' look to the pageant. I really imagine her as the 'Indonesian version' of Huong Pham, Miss Universe Vietnam 2015. She was one of the alumni of Artikawhulandary beauty camp (just like Karina Nadila) and all that might bring her to the next level in the competition

Papua - Frederika Mitra

Indonesia has thousands of black beauties, yet never send one to Miss Universe. I really want to see a black woman representing Indonesia to the Miss Universe pageant. we need to show the universe how diversed we are, how variative we are, and how potential we are. Olvah Alhamid (2015) was one of the strongest Papuan girl to have the chance of grabbing the crown, but ended up reaching only the top 5 spot. I guess this year Papua's Frederika Mitra might be one of the lucky girl to bring a new atmosphere to an international pageant.


DKI Jakarta 3 - Nadya Maudy

Lampung - Feriska Anggrelita

Kalimantan Barat - Pinkan Yunita

Jambi - Sheila Afsari

Sumatera Selatan - Nur Harisyah

No Matter what will happen, I will still cheer for whoever being crowned. Remember, this is not my final prediction, anything might change. We still need to see the girls' performance during the rest of the competition.

Thank you so much for reading this, I hope you guys enjoy. NO harassment / derogatory comment needed here.

Reach me out
Instagram: @billiansyaha
LINE id: billiansyaha


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SebaMed Clear Face Anti Pimple Gel Review

SebaMed Logo
Credit: Owner

Holla! Terima kasih sudah mampir ke blog-ku! Kali ini aku mau balik nge-review skin care lagi, hehehe. Semoga gak bosen, deh! J

Anyway, sesuai dengan judul yang kalian baca, kali ini saya mau review produk asal Jerman yang sudah cukup terkenal di Indonesia, “SebaMed”. Produk yang aku review kali ini adalah produk anti-jerawat, tepatnya acne-spot treatment.

SebaMed Clear Face Anti-Pimple Gel, produk ini saya dapatkan di Yogya Riaujunction, Bandung. Sebenernya, banyaak banget tempat yang jual produk SebaMed ini, bisa didapatkan di Drugstore-drugstore macem Guardian, Century, Watsons, Apotik, atau swalayan besar. SebaMed ini sudah terkenal dengan produk khusus bayi-nya, tapi sebenernya SebaMed ini juga mengeluarkan varian produk untuk dewasa, bahkan produk khusus yang menangani macam-macam masalah kulit, mulai dari kulit kering, berjerawat, hingga wajah berminyak.

SebaMed Clear Face Anti-pimple Gel ini aku dapatkan dengan harga Rp93.900,-. Oke, mau cerita sedikit ya tentang harga ini, hehehe J jadi ceritanya, saya dapat banyak sekali review tentang produk ini di internet, karena penasaran, saya pun ingin mencoba produknya. Kebetulan memang jerawat di wajah saya sedang banyak banyaknya, bikin gak pede jalan keluar rumah L rata-rata review yang saya baca menyatakan harga SebaMed ini sekitar Rp105.000-Rp110.000 per tube isi 10 mL. 

TAAPPIII, saya mau ngasih sedikit saran. Saran saya adalah, banyak-banyakin googling dan cek ricek a.k.a. survey tempat belanja. Kalau kamu beruntung, akan menemukan tempat dimana menjual SebaMed (atau produk apapun yang kamu cari, heuheuheu) dengan harga termurah! Hoahahahaha *ketawa ala anak kost* tapi buat kamu yang “mageran” orangnya, yaa sudahlah mau diapain lagi? :p

Oke balik lagi ke topik utama, Klaim dari SebaMed Clear Face Anti-pimple Gel ini adalah gel anti jerawat (yaiyalah) dan SebaMed ini mengandung pH 5,5, yang akan aman sekalihh untuk kulit wajahmu. Produk ini juga mengklaim bisa mengeringkan jerawat dengan cepat. Tapiii kan namanya obat jerawat cocok-cocokkan, ya? Jadi yaahhhh, let’s see gimana hasilnya di wajahku :p

Oh iya, keburu lupa. Mau cerita satu lagi (lebih tepatnya curhat mungkin, yaa). Kan kejadian cek ricek harga itu sebenernya gak sengaja, jadi waktu itu saya baru pulang dari kondangan bareng temen. Alhasil gak bawa uang terlalu banyak, ternyata saat itu saya nemu produk produk yang saya sering browse di Pinterest, semacam Neutrogena, Aveeno, St. Ives, dkk. dengan harga promo! Dengan wajah dan dompet terisak terpaksa gak saya lirik, takut pingsan di tempat L *by the way waktu itu saya harus beli kebutuhan lain pula, hiks*

“Review, gak, nih?!”
Iya, iya, OKE!

Tampak depan

Oke singkat cerita saya berhasil menjinjing SebaMed Anti Pimple Gel ini di tangan *walau masih nyesek ga sempet beli yg lain, padahal ngeceng Neutrogena L*. Sampai di rumaaah, gatel lah tangan saya ini untuk pengen cepet-cepet buka segelnya *dasar usil*

Kemasannya lucu, minimalis, gak lebay, enak dilihat. Seperti kebanyakan produknya, SebaMed Anti Pimple Gel ini berlatar belakang putih, dengan tulisan SebaMed di depannya. Box-nya sendiri terdapat plastik mika tipis yang bening dan kita bisa lihat isinya seperti apa.
Setelah dikeluarin, bentuknya mirip pasta gigi, hanya saja jauh lebih mungil. Tutupnya sendiri berbentuk setengah lingkaran, lucuuu!

Saat dibuka tutupnya, isinya keluar sedikit L kaget, soalnya saya bahkan gak sempet mencet isinya.

Tips: hati hati saat membuka isinya pertama kali, jangan buru buru memencet dan saran saya, sih, hadapkan tutupnya diatas, jadi meminimalisir isi produk keluar sendiri

Lubang tempat keluar produknya sangat kecil, sehingga bisa dengan mudah untuk kita mengontrol seberapa banyak produk yang ingin dipakai.

Tampak belakang

Setelah mencuci muka dengan sabun, saya membersihkan kembali wajah dengan tissue basah antiseptik, tujuannya supaya daerah berjerawat saya steril dan bebas dari kuman.

Saat produknya saya keluarkan, warna produknya bening dan tidak berbau, hmmmm… pantes banyak dokter yang merekomendasikan produk ini. Dan kalau kalian teliti lagi komposisi bahannya, tidak terkandung hal-hal berbau Paraben didalamnya, jadi mudah-mudahan aman untuk kulitmu.

Penamfakan produknyah

Saat diaplikasikan ke titik jerawat, rasanya dingin. Satu tips untuk kalian, tidak usah memencet isinya banyak banyak demi hasil maksimal, gak ngaruh! Cukup dioles tipis dan merata. Oh, iya, di petunjuk penggunaannya pun disarankan untuk dipakai beberapa kali sehari. Kalau saya pribadi, sih, bisa 4 kali sehari (pemborosan!) yaitu saat bangun tidur, sekitar habis ashar, setelah isya, dan sebelum tidur. Tentunya semuanya diawali dengan cuci muka dulu, ya J (pssttt, gak semua cuci muka harus menggunakan sabun! Kebanyakan sabun justru bikin kulit kering, hihihi)
Saya aplikasinya sambil berdoa, hahahaha soalnya sayang L mahal sis, kalo gak cocok masa mau dibuang gitu aja?


Hari pertama : saya agak desperate, soalnya belum terlihat hasil sama sekali. Takut setakut takutnya malah menyebabkan jerawat baru L *bodohnyaaaaa, mana ada yang hasilnya instan?*

Hari Kedua : pembengkakan pada Cystic Acne berkurang. Rasa perih ikut berkurang (walau masih belum ada hasil apapun, gak papa. At least ada yang berubah)
*FYI, saya aplikasi di jerawat yang berbeda. Di pipi kiri saya ada cystic acne, di rahang kana nada nodule*

Hari Ketiga : Nodule di rahang kanan TOTALLY kering!!!! Walaupun gak ngefek apapun di cystic acne L alhamdu…..lillah J

Hari Keempat : *saat tidur, entah memang pecah atau tidak sengaja tergaruk* cystic acne-ku pecah, dan saat berdarah (mungkin) kemasukan kuman, sehingga menimbulkan semacam infeksi. Buru buru kubasuh wajah dengan sabun, kutepuk tepuk lukanya menggunakan rubbing alcohol dan kudiamkan. Dengan bodohnya, pas malemnya kuoleskan si SebaMed :’) padahal kan udah berbentuk luka, bukan jerawat

Hari Kelima : Secara ajaib nan mengejutkan, luka-ku kering! Mungkin akibat gak sengaja ngolesin SebaMed Anti Pimple Gel ini kali, ya? Atau mungkin karena alkohol? Aku gak tau pasti. Tapi sekilas kubaca di box-nya, memang si gel ini mengandung allantoin yang katanya bisa meregenerasi kulit wajah. Tapi aku bener-bener gak tau mana yang harus dipuji, alcohol apa si gel ini :’) yang jelas nodule di sebelah kanan sudah kering total.

By the way, sampe hari ini aku masih terus oles-oles si SebaMed ini ke kulit bekas infeksi-nya. Nampaknya masih bisa bekerja di daerah itu, karena semakin hari bekasnya semakin mengecil (walau beberapa reviewer banyak yang bilang gak ngefek ke bekas jerawat)


Di kulitku, untuk nodules SebaMed Clear Face Anti Pimple Gel ini bekerja sesuai klaimnya, tapi untuk cystic acne belum bisa kasih kesimpulan soalnya pecah duluan sebelum selesai, walau masih kaget bisa ngeringin kulit bekas luka dengan cepat (masih galau alcohol vs. SebaMed, siapa yang mengeringkan bekas luka ini) tapi yang jelas di cystic acne dia sempat meredakan rasa sakitnya dan mengurangi bengkaknya.

Harga : 8.00 / 10.00
Hasil : 8.5 / 10.00
Re-purchase? Maybe, masih mau abisin dulu satu tube ini

Harapan saya sih, semoga kedepannya cukup uang untuk beli sabunnya juga (which will heal the pimples even faster). Jadiiiii, tunggu kisah SebaMed selanjutnya. Intinya adalah SebaMed ini aman, dan Recommended!

Seperti biasanyaa, yang mau sekedar tanya-tanya atau building friendship bisa mampir mampir ke Instagram @billiansyaha dan LINE ID billiansyaha

Regards J

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