
JUARA Beauty Tamarind Tea Hydrating Toner Review

SELAMAT!! KAMU RESMI MERAIH JUARA....... di hati aku. aww :3
*dihajar sekampung*

oke, balik ke jalan yang benar

Hola! Terima kasih udah mampir lagi kesini~

Kali ini, saya berkesempatan untuk me-review produk yang (menurut saya) high end, dan parahnya lagi saya dapet produknya GRATIS! HAHAHAHA *ketawa emak emak ogah rugi*
Apakah saya mendapatkan endorse? atau ditunjuk menjadi Brand Ambassador? atau menjadi spokesperson? oh, kebetulan tidak. Tapi kalau ditawarin dengan senang hati gak akan saya tolak :)))))

Seperti biasa, sebelum masuk ke review produknya, saya harus wajib kudu musti cerita dulu. Jadi ginihhh, awal 2018 kemarin akun instagram @juarabeauty mengadakan giveaway spesial menyambut pergantian tahun. Produk yang ditawarkan cukup beragam, dan salah satunya adalah si toner ini.

Gak ada firasat, feeling, atau harapan buat menang sama sekali. Namanya juga giveaway, ya kan? untung-untungan banget lah pokoknya.

Eh, ternyata emang rejeki anak soleh! Passssss banget ternyata saya salah satu yang dapet produknya *sujud sukur*

Dalam hitungan menit setelah pengumuman, admin instagram Juara Beauty langsung DM saya meminta alamat lengkap untuk proses pengiriman produk. Singkat, padat, jelas, tanpa basa-basi-busuQQQ.

WAGELASYEHHHH, cuma selang sehari semalem doang itu paketan sampe ke rumah. Pas denger ada yang teriak "Paket! untuk Billy!" itu rasanya lebih lebih dari keterima masuk kuliah di UI, ITB, apa UGM gilaa pokoknya seneng banget lah sampe rasanya ingin kucifok si kurirnya :*

Alay, kan? ya gitu saya mah cinta-nya sama skin care bukan sama kamu. Iya, KAMU!

Dengan ketelitian yang teramat sangat tinggi, hati-hatiiiiiiiiii banget saya buka bungkusannya karena gamau rusak *OCD mode: on*

Paket yang kuterima
elegan, kan?
dan akhirnya setelah 4 jam *apasih* terlihatlah bungkusan hitam nan elegan dibalut ornamen emas yang cantik nan ciamik (naon cenah). Pokoknya intinya harga mah gak bisa bohong. Dari packaging pembungkusnya (boxnya, bai de wei) aja udah cantik. Boxnya sendiri simple banget, warnanya hitam dengan tulisan JUARA warna emas di bagian atasnya.

Pas kubuka boxnya, ternyata produknya dilindungi pake bubble wrap yang udahnya pasti kujadiin mainan HAHAHAHAH. Gatau kenapa suka banget mainan bubble wrap, ada yang senasip?

Oke, first impression dari botolnya. Botolnya sendiri ternyata pake bahan plastik tebel, gak tau jenis apa sih yang jelas ini bukan kaca. Agak love-hate sebenernya sama botol atau kemasan plastik gini, apalagi untuk produk sekelas JUARA (FYI harga tonernya ampir 500rebu). Untuk jenama (Bahasa Indonesia untuk brand) sekelas JUARA ini seharusnya menggunakan material kaca untuk menambah kesan elegan dan mewah di produknya. TAPIIII, menggunakan plastik keras begini juga ada untungnya. Apa untungnya? untungnya gak akan gampang pecah, aman kalau dikirim lewat jasa ekspedisi, lebih ringan juga. Tapi, overall saya nggak kecewa sama sekali. Produknya masih terlihat elegan, kok.

yang kedua, pump-nya. Saya kaget ternyata kalau ditekan gampang keluar produknya TAPI ANEHNYA kalo disimpen di tas ini gak tumpah. INI YANG BIKIN DEMIAN ATAU LIMBAD SIH WOY? AJAIB. Beda sama Vaseline yang pump pas saya bawa di koper ternyata bleberan kemana mana (untung diplastikin).
Isi paket yang kuterima
N.B. tidak melayani pertanyaan kenapa saya bawa Vaseline segede alaihim gambreng di koper :))

Lubang di pump-nya pun lumayan kecil, jadi masih bisa dikira kira seberapa banyak saya harus menuangkan produknya.

yang ketiga, baca Qur'an dan maknanya. eh, bukan. wangi-nya. Ini ternyata fragrance free, tapi da tetep ada baunya, cumaaa bau yang dihasilkan adalah bau alami dari kandungan produknya (macem macem teh, Rice bran, Tamarin, dan lain-lain) sehingga sekilas mirip jamu baunya. Buatku sih ini unik dan enak aja, gitu. Kayak nempelin minuman Gula Asem Mustika Ratu ke muka hahahaha. Tapi mungkin kamu nggak akan suka sama baunya.
Intinya: Bau itu relatif

yang keempat, teqstur dan warnanya. Cair, udah gitu aja. Warna tonernya kaya air pipis tapi sedikit condong ke coklat. Atau mirip gula asem tapi lebih kuning sedikit. Eitts, walaupun ada warnanya tapi ngga akan bikin wajah kalian berwarna kuning kecoklatan kok :))

Oh iya, toner ini masuk kategori hydrating toner. Berarti kalian cukup mengaplikasikannya ke tangan terus ditepuk tepukkan ke wajah. Sebenernya pake kapas juga boleh banget, berhubung saya kere jadi sayang aja gitu kalo kapasnya yang nyerap hahaha.

Saat pertama pakai tonernya, rasanya persis seperti pakai essence-nya Secret Key. Seger-seger gitu. Efek yang paling kerasa juga lumayan melembapkan.

Naini produknya
Toner ini rutin kupakai pagi dan malam. Cukup dua pump sekali pakai (sayang cuy, kaga mampu lagi beli baru hahaha). Selama pemakaian selama kurang lebih 4 bulan, rasanya memang wajah lebih seger dan kenyal. terus wajahku juga jadi alussss. Sejauh ini juga ngga ada efek yang aneh-aneh. Nggak bikin jerawatan, nggak bikin berminyak berlebihan, semuanya cukup sesuai porsinya :))

OH IYA! hampir lupa, ini produk juga paraben-free! canggih, kan?!


Harga: 7.00 /10.00
Efek produk di kulit: 9.00 / 10.00
Re-purchase? Kalau ada uangnya, YES

Kayanya segitu aja cukup, kalau kamu memang ada budgetnya untuk beli ini. aku bakal bilang "go for it" soalnya emang bagus dan alami produknya. Kalau memungkinkan malah aku ingin coba produk lainnya juga :))

That's it. Kalau ada pertanyaan lebih lanjut, mending langsung tongkrongin situsnya di okey?

Ciao Bella :))

Foto-Foto tonernya :)

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In Bandung Places

Kopi Toko Djawa: A New Magnet in the Core of Bandung City

Feeling familiar? Yes, this is a legendary bookstore that recently got altered into a coffee shop.

Located in the notorious street of Jalan Braga, Bandung, you can simply find the shop by strolling down the street. It is not that difficult to find the shop, as the shop was once a famous book store in Bandung. Selling books since 1955, this famous bookstore had to shut the store down in 2015 due to its lack of buyers. As the matter of fact, there was no more shopkeeper at that time (Source: Pikiran Rakyat)

No need to worry, last December the new owner altered the shop into a chic, vintage-themed coffee shop that attracts many (Especially the millenials, hahaha). The good news is, the owner did not change the interiors a lot from the classic bookstore layout except for some 'refreshment' to renew the store without changing much of its vintage, old-school atmosphere.

As someone who ever got inside the shop while it was still a bookstore, nothing much is changed. I felt like I am amongst a newly-freed country. The interiors are fresh, but the vintage atmosphere is still vibrant. I just love the concept. The owners might have changed, but the name remains. The owner still use the "Djawa" brand as the shop's name.

Once you get inside the shop, the coffee aroma fills your lungs. The waiter also greeted me warmly. One thing you should know, there is no such thing as your personal table. Kopi Toko Djawa uses the sharing table system where buyers can sit at any empty seat (as long as the seats are available, because at many times this shop is super-crowded).

This is where you order your coffees. Not only coffees available, there are some sweet foods you can enjoy.

I would say the price range is worth-it. I don't know what better words to describe. Reaction to prices might be different.

For me, personally, I would say this is affordable. Not really pricey, but not very cheap as well.

The cheapest you can get is one shot of espresso for Rp15.000. and the most expensive drink you can get is their Manual Brew for Rp35.000.

You can also add things to your beverages, such as another shot of espresso, susu (milk), and awan (sweet, creamy foam). The addition of milk and espresso priced for Rp5.000 and Rp8.000 for the addition of sweet foam.

For some, this shop might be on your 'cheap' list. but, do not underestimate the quality from its price. They might not be as expensive as a cup of Starbucks, but the taste is beyond the price. Trust me

I went there with two of my friends, Egi and Bella. The truth is, we did not plan this visit. We visited the shop while waiting for the movie. We did not complained, though.

Here is what we ordered
The picture above is the beverages we ordered.

From left to right:

Bella's Coconut Water: Rp20.000
My Kopi Awan: Rp24.000
Egi's Affogato: Rp20.000

The Coconut Water is nothing more than that, coconut water. Nothing much to say. You know how it tastes. The Kopi Awan is so dope! From its top (the foam, of course) to the bottom (the coffee), it impressed me. I almost ordered two, but remembered that I am a broke guy, LMAO. The Affogato is quite good, though (Egi said that). The espresso smelt strong, but I can't say more because I did not order that.

I, sadly, did not order the food. But nothing costs more than Rp20.000 (as I remembered).

The last thing they have is the coffee beans. Various kinds of beans are here but I forgot to snap what kind of beans they sell. The beans costs Rp100.000 for approximately 100 gram (Again, I forgot to capture the exact things).

When you are finished ordering, the barista will give you something.. a keychain? I don't really sure It was like a car key. Once your orders are ready, the thing beeps quite loud. Nice trick, I believe :D

Crap, I know I forget things a lot. I just want to tell you that this shop has no restroom. I understand it, this used to be a bookstore not a place to hang out. If you really need to go to the restroom, you can go to the nearest cafe, The Suga Rush. Make sure you don't pee yourself :p

On frame: Bella
Can we talk about the interiors, again?

I personally loving every corner of the shop! I told you, I felt like I was in the middle of the old-school Indonesia!

I wanted to take a selfie but I was too shy to do it, hahaha so I asked Bella to be my model. Egi wanted one too but I did not grant his wish :p

The cafe is worth to visit. If you are looking for a unique coffee shop and an affordable coffee, this cafe might be on your consideration.

I will definitely going back here, soon!

Here is some pictures I captured for you. Enjoy!

Spot Egi!

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