In beauty pageant Miss Universe pageant

Road to Miss Universe 2018 Final: The Impression

In around 12 hours, we will have our new Miss Universe. The final will take place on Monday, December 17th 2018 (GMT+7) and will be aired LIVE on FOX from Impact Arena in Bangkok, Thailand and we will finally see who will succeed Demi-leigh.

This year the activities are not that tight, the girls spend most of their times video-taping, visiting cultural places and—of course the competition itself. Earlier this week the preliminary round has been conducted as well as the in-depth interview. Some said these three determine most of the cut. Well, not all the top 15 come from these three but MOST are. I’m positive the girls have given their A-games to the battle of the crown. Nevertheless, tomorrow we will find out which girl taking the crown back home.
I just recently learned that the top 20 formatting is BACK! Yes! That means there will be more girls having the chance to showcase their hard work. The format, apparently, will also stays with their continental zoning like last year. That means the girls will be competing against their continental mate to lock down the top 20 spots. Afterwards, they have to work their asses up for themselves because in the top 20 they will vie against each other.

During rehearsal, the top 20 semifinalists was divided into 4. 5 of the African and Asia-Pacific, 5 of the Europe, 5 of the Americas, and the other 5 is the wildcards (from any continent and in any number)
Another rumored format is that the Miss Universe is now using a 15-second speech to narrow down the top 20 to the top 10. My honest reaction was “ew!”. Come on, Miss Universe used to be cool! Not like this, please! After the top 10 are selected, they will be competing in both swimsuit and evening gown. Then as usual they will go to top 5 and then top 3. I really wish they would keep the old format.
Returning to our main point right here, it has not been easy for me to determine Miss Universe’s hot lists, I faced failures and successes throughout my journey of listing favorites (I’ve been following Miss Universe since 2003 but only writing opinions about them since 2014). Anyway, it’s off the case again hahaha. The point is this is not a prediction, I write all these for fun and to speak out my notes for the ladies.
For tomorrow's final, I suggest you to brace yourselves for anything. IMG is definitely unpredictable!
So, enjoy and good luck, ladies!

African and Asia-Pacific Group

Catriona Elisa Magnayon Gray

Clearly the one to win it! Sorry, I’m not being biased. I’ll say good to those in my eyes are good and bad to those in my eyes are bad and she is definitely the ONE in my “good” zone. I will simply say she is a pure-bred to the title. She has been consistently amazing. Not only since the Miss Universe kicked off but ever since she declared her rally to Binibining Pilipinas. Definitely up for a spot in top 3

Manita Devkota

Apparently, this Nepali beauty will come up as a silent murderer. She reminds me of Miss Sri Lanka 2017 who suddenly came out locking a spot in top 16. I just find it hard to see her more in the involvement of the activities but I’m sure she is digging her way up from behind the lenses. She seems smart and eloquent, to be honest!

Francesca Hung

This girl won’t stop growing like crazy! She came so close and super-worthy of the title! She has poise and charm of her own. Regarding recent issue addressed to her and other two women, I believe it's just a misunderstanding (to Australia)

Tamaryn Green

Being a successor is never easy, especially when your predecessor won the earlier year. Tamaryn makes the job looks easy. So far, she is still the strongest out of the African community. She is beautiful, tall, eloquent, a nurse in-the-making, bubbly and of course cameras love her! What else is lacking from her? She can definitely up for any spot, but sorry to say it's a NO for a back-to-back wins.

Selma Kamanya

Namibia made history as the winner of Miss Universe 1992 in Thailand. Now the pageant comes back to the country. Will she claim what Michelle McLean claimed back in 1992? Who knows! So far, she is doing a nice job and I find her pleasant to be seen on camera. Michelle McLean was also known for being among the interview and preliminary judges so this might be an advantage for Namibia to climb up on top.
Watch her out, everyone!


Europe Group

Enikő Kecskès

Hungary was off everyone's list but somehow I see potentials in her. She is promising and might be one of the names coming up on finals among other European queens.

Grainne Gallanagh

Ireland sends a promising candidate this year. She is a blonde bombshell --just like the USA and a total babe during the Miss Universe days! One thing I disappointed about her was her gown choice during prelims, it was somehow weird compared to other contestants but hey IMG judge the dress no more! personality matters now and she has it!

Dee-ann Kentish-Rogers

A black beauty from the land of britain! She is the first black representative of Great Britain and this might be a huge milestone for black beauties of Britain. She seemed to be super calm during the Miss Universe days and she definitely has nice personality!

Angela Ponce

She has stories to tell the universe. She is an example, a role model and a voice of all LGBTQ community across the world. She will definitely lock a spot in top 20, to show the world no matter what, your personality is what matters.

Zoé Brunet

She is something! Fresh and beautiful, ready to compete. She is more than beauty, she is unique. You can spot her from distance and say "That's miss Belgium"


Americas Group

Kiara Liz Ortega

Kiara keeps growing each day and showing her true potential! She looks regal and poised during the Thai night and the preliminary round which rocketed her into the top of my list. Just seeing the presence of herself I can say, “Yep, she is the one”
Puerto Rico recently won the Miss Supranational title, can Kiara match her fellow Puerto Rican and bring Puerto Rico another crown? Sure, she could!

Andrea Diaz

I didn't expect her to be on top but seeing her overall performances made me reconsider my list. The Americas is the most difficult continental zone to narrow down. Too many beautiful women but I must be extra careful because beauty itself is not sufficient. Chile has the whole of it.

Marta Magdalena Stepien

Canada won Miss Universe 2005 in Thailand. Now the event is back in Thailand. It feels like Canada didn't want to lose the momentum and send this angelic candidate to Miss Universe. I bet Thailand has its own magical effect on Canada.

Andrea Toscano

See that face? That is the face of the universe! So silly of me for not including her in my previous list but in my defense she was off my list before because I did not see much coming from her. Her presence is a WOW during the Thai Night event which instantly lift her placement on my list. After her gracious walk with the Thai dress, I could not possibly put her off the list. She truly left a nice mark on my brain and eyes!

Sthefany Gutierrez

Venezuela unwrapped herself slowly during the Miss Universe 2018 and that's a nice trick. In previous editions, every single miss Venezuela always come in "BAM!" from the beginning but she chose different trick and that is good, I believe. She was not emerged as a heavy favorite but slowly aimed a gun to the crown. Don't be surprised if Venezuela climbed up to the top.


The Wildcards

Sarah Rose Summers

She came real strong but made herself a dent in the competition. In a live interaction with Miss Colombia and Australia she said things that probably hurt some people (PROBABLY). She is currently a hot topic in several news platform saying she was a racist and xenophobic. No matter what the issues are, I believe she just need to hold her mouth especially when she is a girl under the spotlight. Everything you do and say matters, honey.

Valeria Morales

Just like Miss USA. She is currently a hot topic regarding some issues, the problem is that the issues against her is more than the case with Miss USA and Australia. Earlier, she is accused of being snobby and arrogant. I just don't understand whether people is trying to bring her down or she really is like that. However, Steve Harvey is still hosting! She might stand among the top due to the mistake Steve did in 2015. My hunch says as long as Steve hosts the competition, miss Colombia--no matter who and what happened is still going to be up there.

H'Hen Niê

Hennie--that's how I write her name, comes from a small village in her country. She is also among the minority race in Vietnam--the first from her race to represent her country. She has mission, she is strong and just gorgeous. I believe it is enough to bring her up to the top. One critique for her is about her inconsistency of the overall performances.

Mayra Dias

Brazil has never been this weak in Miss Universe but considering her sash factor she might emerge as one of the top 20. One thing I really like about her is her facial feature, just so gorgeous!

Sonia Fergina Citra

One of the most prepared girls towards the universe! She has been in the spotlight lately and her charm is definitely everything! her smile never fades as she always shows her best smile to everyone. Truly gorgeous queen!

Please note that those are not in certain order, I had trouble ordering who's going to be on top so I made the grouping zone instead. Regardless, everything can happen tomorrow!
By the way, I really must narrow these girls down. In no particular order, these FIVE are THE NEAREST to the crown:


Last, I really wish all the girls good luck. No matter what happens tomorrow, you already give the best shot for your country and they must be proud of you! Love 💕

See you at another pageant content and stay tune for more!


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[Review] Pond's Instabright Tone Up Milk Mask

Salah satu jenama (brand) legendaris di Indonesia, kini hadir dengan terobosan-terobosan terbarunya.

Pond's adalah produk skin care pertama yang saya gunakan, dan sayangnya tidak cocok. Hampir lima tahun tidak menyentuh produk pond's, kini mereka sudah banyak berubah! Produknya semakin beragam, inovatif dan sudah banyak yang cocok di kulit wajah saya, sebut saja BB Powder, Micellar Water, Tone Up Milk Cream dan yang tentukan akan kubahas kali ini: Tone-up Milk Mask.

Seperti judulnya, ini adalah masker keluaran Pond's. Seingat saya, Pond's belum pernah mengeluarkan sheet mask di Indonesia. Produk ini pun merupakan produk impor dari Thailand, seperti BB Powdernya yang booming beberapa waktu belakangan.

Oke, biar nggak kepanjangan mending langsung aja masuk ke bahasannya.

Seperti yang saya tulis di atas, masker ini tidak diproduksi di pabrik Unilever Indonesia melainkan hasil impor dari negara gajah putih. Melihat kesuksesan Pond's Tone Up Milk Cream, nampaknya Unilever berinisiatif untuk kembali mengimpor seri Tone-up lainnya dan langkah ini perlu saya apresiasi. Produknya juara!

Pond's Instabright Tone-up Milk Mask ini cukup mudah didapatkan dengan harga yang relatif di bawah kisaran sheet mask merek lainnya. Saya membeli di swalayan Borma dekat rumah dengan harga Rp15.600,- saja! dibandingkan dengan sheet mask favoritku (Innisfree) dengan harga Rp19.000,- ini termasuk worth to try, belinya dekat pula!

Ada tiga varian dengan tiga fungsi yang berbeda:
1. Warna pink --sangat khas Pond's: Bright Up. Fungsinya untuk mencerahkan warna kulit
2. Warna Kuning: Glow Up. Untuk memberikan kesan kulit yang glowing
3. Warna Biru: Plump Up. Untuk menjaga elastisitas kulit dan menjaganya tetap plump.

Sudah kucoba ketiganya, dan masing-masing punya efek yang berbeda, tapi dalam satu garis besar: BAGUS!

1. Bright up
ini produk yang pertama kucoba --yang warna pink. Kalau yang ini sudah sangat bisa diprediksi, karena hasilnya sama persis dengan sheet mask lainnya yaitu mencerahkan kulit.

2. Plump up
Sheet masknya yang biru adalah sheet mask kedua yang kucoba. Adem dan meninggalkan efek lembab, lebih lembab daripada yang pink maupun yang kuning IMHO.

3. Glow up
Seri yang ini kucoba paling terakhir, entah kenapa random aja milihnya hahaha. Yang ini, jujur, paling biasa aja. Efek yang ditinggalkan setelah pakai hanya segar dan sehat. Tidak terlihat efek glowing instan, well, mungkin memang butuh pemakaian yang rutin

Ketiga sheet mask diatas bau-nya mirip mirip semua menurutku. Sedikit ganggu, karena baunya nggak seger seperti sheet mask lainnya, tapi tidak apa-apa.

Oh, ya, cairan yang terdapat pada satu sheet mask ini cukup banyak. Kental keputihan seperti warna susu (judulnya pun ada 'milk'nya) dan bagi orang yang ogah rugi macem saya, pasti sisa esens-nya akan diaplikasikan ke kulit tubuh selain wajah.

Satu hal lainnya yang kusuka, dengan harga se-affordable itu maskernya nggak bikin jerawatan! Ini dijamin bakalan beli lagi karena masker ini paling murah di kelasnya dan dekat belinya. Tapi jujur, masih belum ada yang menggeser posisi Innisfree sebagai masker favorit.

Harga: 9.50 / 10.00
Hasil: 8.75 / 10.00
Re-purchase? Ya!

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In beauty pageant Miss Universe pageant

[Pageant] Miss Universe 2018 Kick-off, Who Stands Out?

Miss Universe Logo
Of all beauty pageants exist, Miss Universe is undeniably the most captivating! Every girl wants to be Miss Universe. Whenever the Miss Universe starts, all our eyes glued to its activities. Everyone wants to know what happened at every second.

The pageant itself started in 1952, a year after Miss World was established. No, we are not going to talk about the history, we are going to talk about the ONGOING PAGEANT! Yes, you read it right! The Miss Universe 2018 has just begun and it is in Thailand!

Thailand hosts the Miss Universe 2018
Image: Google
This year, I believe the Miss Universe Organization breaks the record (again) with the most number of contestants in the history of Miss Universe. If I'm not mistaken, there will be 94 girls competing for the crown. That's one number higher than last year of 93 contestants.

Speaking of crown, I recently saw a banner with the strange Miss Universe logo (unfortunately I did not found it online). It resembles the shape of a crown! I suspect there would be a new crown this year but I do not know if the crown will be permanent or only used specifically for this year. Either way, I'm excited to hear the official announcement!

For the main point of this post, I will shout out my personal opinion about the girls. I had trouble narrowing down the girls into 15, so I made it top 15 plus 10 possible slots LMAO I know it's ridiculous but once you know my reason you will understand. Now, what made me a little overwhelmed? The Miss Universe Organization --as we all know is now owned by WME|IMG. Since 2015 there has always, I repeat, ALWAYS been a twist of surprise in the semifinal slots. In 2015, South Africa and Curacao were both out of (almost) everyone's eyes. Most experts did not favor them to be in the semifinals but in fact they were. In 2016, Kenya surprised the audience (and probably herself) by making the cut, not only to the top 13 but to the top 6! She successfully defeated the ultra-favorite Mariam Habach of Venezuela, whom everyone thought would easily be in the top 3. 2017 was no exception, we saw many heartbreaks in the list of top 16. In the other hand, the girls who were out of sight (e.g. Croatia, Sri Lanka, Ghana, China, Ireland) slipped easily into the semifinal slots. This means that Preliminary performance is NO MORE reason to determine the semifinalists, there must be something else. Recently, Siera Bearchell (Miss Universe Canada 2016) uploaded a video on her YouTube channel, revealing that there are some things bigger than the girls' performance during prelims. It might be your in-depth interview, your personality on and off-camera, background story, your motives to Miss Universe and many things possibly help the girls get the semifinal slots.

Siera Bearchell's Video
Access the video here:

With that being said, I tried the same method to determine my picks. I did some research (I dunno how to call it but yeah I dug some info about the girls) and add some of my favorites! There has been a pattern as well in the newest MUO semifinals list, like there should be a finalist from each continent, there should not be any monopoly from certain continent, there is always at least one black beauty in the list, there should be at least one finalist that is out of everyone's sight (shocking effect) and so on and so forth.

So yeah, from all things I did I can finally list my pick for this year's Miss Universe. Without further ado, here is my arrival picks of the Miss Universe 2018

Billy's Miss Universe early favorites

Let's start off the list with


1. USA
Sarah Rose Summers

USA is going strong this year. She is a total babe! She knows how to speak (obviously) and she has always been spreading positive vibes ever since she was Miss Nebraska USA --probably even before! She is for sure a great spokesperson and an icon for Miss Universe Organization

2. Philippines
Catriona Gray

Philippines is my PERSONAL FAVORITE! Seriously, the Philippines had never sent a contestant this strong in recent era. Ever since Catriona declared her rally to Binibining Pilipinas, everyone has been buzzing about her. More and more exposure were gained after she easily clinched the Miss Universe Philippines title. I swear, the Philippines never send a candidate this strong, not even Pia (and she WON Miss Universe!). I can say she is definitely the one to grab the crown.
Question: why number two?
I told you before, IMG is unpredictable. Anything can happen. Seeing the pattern, being the most perfect contestant in the batch always has its own perks but it is way too early to declare her as the obvious winner. We still have weeks ahead. Nevertheless, Catriona Gray is more than ready to hold the title.

3. Australia
Francesca Hung

Surprise, surprise! Look who surprises us all (or is it just me?). Australia was off my list before this. Seeing her performance during interview and in-motion, she is definitely something! Do not be surprised to hear Steve calling Australia several times in the final, because she really deserves it! My message if Francesca reads this: stay humble, maintain the energy, know that MUO's  'camera' are not always in the form of camera. Be prepared and be consistent and you will do your country proud.

4. Puerto Rico
Kiara Liz Ortega

Puerto Rico is definitely something this year! She is a total package, the body, the face, the walk, the charm, not to mention tons of surprises waiting. I believe she is the one everyone should watch!

5. South Africa
Tamaryn Green

Of all African queens, she is the strongest! Seriously, the Miss South Africa doesn't want to let the previous victory be like that, she demands a repeat! With her statuesque figure and eloquent English, I believe a repeat is possible.
Question: Will IMG let another back-to-back occurs? I don't think so. She is ultimately amazing but just no for a back-to-back. Just saying. Anyway, Top 3 is still wide open for her!

TOP 10

6. Venezuela
Sthefany Gutierrez

A queen to watch! She remains so-so at the arrival but I'm pretty sure in her pocket there is a lion ready to unleash itself. Just watch and never underestimate Venezuela's power in Miss Universe

7. Brazil
Mayra Diaz

Finally, a Brazilian rep that does not resemble USA's. She is drop-dead gorgeus! I have nothing more to say, that's that: beware of Mayra Diaz of Brazil!

8. Thailand
Sophida Kanchanarin

An advantage is definitely upon her. She is the host delegate! With that said, top 15 is not a hard matter for her except she did something fatal during the Miss Universe activities. For now, top 10 is definitely wide open for her

9. Colombia
Valeria Morales

I'm itching to write this. Okay, she is gorgeus, amazing and so on but earlier her statement is going viral about her opinion on transgender joining Miss Universe. I do respect her statement, she has the right to say but it's just on the wrong platform. She should have known that Miss Universe community allows transgender to legally compete so her statement should be kept inside her head. But yeah, we cannot take words back. We already know what's inside her head and let's wish her luck in the competition. Aside of all, she is a drop-dead gorgeus woman that deserves a place.

10. Spain
Angela Ponce

The first in history! She is the first transgender to ever compete in Miss Universe! This story would be her advantage to slip into the top 15 or more. I just wonder of her reaction towards those spreading words about her (especially regarding to Miss Colombia's statement) and how would she respond. If she can manage it gracefully, the top 10 slot is all yours!

TOP 15

11. Malta
Francesca Mifsud

Malta is not playing around! She is gorgeus and might have a secret weapon to glide into the top 15. She was trained by famous Filipino trainer which of course be one of her weapon to face the Miss Universe competition

12. India
Nehal Chudasama

India reminds me of Canada's Siera Bearchell story. The differences between them is that India successfully lost her weight and Canada embraced her body. Overall, they are trying to deliver similar message about being healthy. This might be one of the reasons India is being considerable. Plus, she is pretty!

13. Great Britain
Dee-ann Rogers

I did not recall seeing black beauty as Great Britain's representative in Miss Universe recent years. Correct me if I'm wrong. I told you earlier, IMG is all about diversity. Dee-ann might pull off a spot for Great Britain, she is something! She reminds me of Ariyana Miyamoto of Japan back in 2015. both are the sounds of color at their respective country.

14. Ecuador
Virginia Limongis

Perfect body shape, beautiful face, nice person, amazing walk. What else? She has it all! One thing I'm a little concerned about is: is that enough to be Miss Universe?
Flashback to previous editions, there are many girls like her and ended up not getting the crown. She definitely needs something different that when everyone sees her, they stop and say "Yes, she is Miss Universe"

15. France
Eva Colas

France is sweet and beautiful, that's all I can say now. I haven't seen her really shining and stealing the show but hey, French girls can be a serious killer (not literally, LOL). I just can picture her in the top 15 for now, don't know why. It's just my hunch saying "insert France, insert France, insert France, insert France" to be honest. Hahaha.

Possible candidates:

a. Canada - Marta Stepien
Canada is total babe but currently being a little diva-ish and it's not good. perhaps it's just her way to blend but still, it disturbs. I'm really sorry. Anyway, let's not throwing her out because she is definitely up to something and we should sit and wait.

b. Russia - Yulia Polyachikhina
Another strong and beautiful girl. Again, is that enough to bring her on top?

c. Vietnam - H'Hen Nie
Her advocacy is excellent, she came from poor background and so on. but seeing her in Dolce&Gabbana glasses? Girl, that does not reflect your consistency on your advocacy. The story you bring will be forgotten. No one will believe you came from that backstory. I know your luggage might come from sponsorship but keep it subtle and not that 'Ka-boom! Universe, look at me. I'm gorgeus!'

d. Nepal - Manita Devkota
Coming from Nepal, the country that started their debut last year, she is something different. Let's say she might surprise us by her charm and ended up on top. We never knew.

e. Costa Rica - Natalia Carvajal
Another bomb. Her body and face is out of this world a.k.a. perfectly toned but I remain with my statement: is it enough?

f. Panama - Rosa Montezuma
She has moles above her lips, there are sayings that mole above the lips will bring you as the first runner up. hahaha, it might happen! She is gorgeous, though

g. Angola - Ana Liliana Aviao
I told you before, there will be at least one black beauty in the semifinal. The other option is Great Britain. We don't know what's gonna happen. She should be watched closely

h. Indonesia - Sonia Fergina Citra
Unlike the previous years, I always put my countrymen in the top 15 but not this year. I am being as honest as possible. She is just not that obvious. She is not as strong as Bunga Jelitha, she is not as bold as Whulandary, or as bubbly as Elvira Devinamira but knowing the organization of Puteri Indonesia she will be unleashing weapons up her sleeves for shurrreeee. For now, let her stay at the 'possible' list

i. Lebanon - Maya Reaidy
She is under the hands of former Miss USA, Rima Fakih. Rima knows exactly what's inside the scoop of Miss Universe. Even though Rima failed the Miss Universe 2010, she must be learning from that and Maya will be 'Reaidy' to figure out what to do and what not to do

j. Switzerland - Jastina Doreen Riederer
I know a contender when I see one. If only she has been more bold, she would easily be in the top 15. She should be consistent, eloquent, and at least being 'unforgettable'. She might as well be prepared as the 'element of surprise'.

Honorable Mention:

Malaysia - Jane Teoh
We all know that MUCA Skin Care of Malaysia is the sponsor of the 67th Miss Universe. This might be one of Malaysia's weapon to clinch a spot and help her getting through the competition.

Under the new management, the Miss Universe Organization is totally surprising. Sometimes regarding the qualification, sometimes the system, and sometimes its the concept. Each girl just have to find the best formula and be the best version of themselves. Regardless of whatever I write, I wish each girl good luck!

I cannot say any further, let the mysteries unfold.

See you at the Final Thought!

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